Getting accepted into the APS Grad program is an exciting first step to a fulfilling career in the Australian Government but there are also a lot of unknowns you need to work out.
Gradcast host Callum Irving is a new graduate at the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) eager to learn as much as he can from his fellow Gradcast host Krishna Shukla who has since completed two graduate programs at the Department of Parliamentary Services. You will also hear from Emma Davis and Shannon Wylie who will share their unique experiences as the first new graduates to take part in CSC’s inaugural grad program in 2019.
Join our two hosts as they bring the APS grad story to life by sharing their worries, their nuggets of wisdom and all the wonderful highlights of being an APS grad as individually experienced by them.
3 things learnt:
- Stay alert to the work you’re doing but also to the work happening around you
- Place a high priority on your mental health
- Expand your social network – sign up to the Social Networks of Graduates (SNOG)

Krishna Shukla
Young Graduate of the Year 2021
Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Economics and minoring in Management and Political Science at ANU
Human Resources Graduate – Parliament of Australia
Completed two APS graduate programs
Callum Irving
Bachelor of Arts majoring International Relations and Chinese Studies at Macquarie University
New APS graduate at Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation